Qu'est-ce que wine 3.17 and dxvk 0.80 released ?

"Wine 3.17 and DXVK 0.80 released" is a headline that refers to the release of two software updates related to gaming on Linux systems.

Wine is a compatibility layer that enables users to run Windows applications and games on Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. Wine 3.17 is one of the periodic updates to this software. It introduces several improvements, bug fixes, and feature enhancements. These updates aim to provide better compatibility and support for running Windows software on Linux.

DXVK, on the other hand, is a translation layer that converts Direct3D 10 and 11 calls into Vulkan API calls. It is primarily used in conjunction with Wine to improve performance and compatibility for DirectX 10 and 11 games on Linux systems. DXVK 0.80 is a new version of this layer, contributing to enhanced performance, bug fixes, and additional features.

By releasing both Wine 3.17 and DXVK 0.80 together, developers and gamers can benefit from the latest updates in both technologies, providing an improved overall gaming experience on Linux. These updates are indicative of the ongoing efforts to bridge the gap between Windows and Linux gaming, allowing users to enjoy their favorite Windows games on Linux without major compatibility issues.